April 2020 Newsletter


Plan consistent check-ins, but do not micro-manage. Use shared calendars, instant messenger, email out-of-office messages, etc. Utilizing Skype via the virtual desktop is a great tool for this.

Discuss and agree upon clear work and communication expectations.

Use this opportunity to build trust among your team.

Consider “virtual water cooler chat”: pose a question or comment to your group for team

Agree on a task list up front, and manage by results. Establish a clear definition of objectives and performance indicators, and ensure monitoring of those indicators along with ongoing training for teleworking employees. members to respond to once or twice a day for the simple purpose of maintaining a sense of connection. Teleworking can get lonely!

It's unrealistic for someone to work steadily for 8.5 hours; we don’t expect it in the office, and it isn’t reasonable from the home office. Encourage your employees to build in breaks, and to maintain both a consistent working schedule and work-life balance.

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